In the pew at Lindsey's wedding--Dad, Luke, and me. Our two beautiful candle-lighters, Francesca & Madison, are sitting next to Luke.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Most of the windows are in and the shingling is almost done!!!

The roofing crew is hard at it!

Here you can see the completed front roofing and some of the installed windows. I love these front windows. We have a modified colonial grid in the front--just the top of the double hung windows have colonial grilles. No grills in the windows in the back of the house.

We are still waiting for the big back windows to come in. I can't wait!


  1. Oooooh it looks so nice! Can't wait to see it in person sometime soon...hopefully.

  2. The kids are beyond excited to come see your new house. The waiting is quite difficult for them.

  3. Hi Nurse Kim! Hope all is wonderful with you & Steve in Monterrey! Hi Michelle and family! We can't wait for you ALL to come see it either! Michelle, tell the kids that there are lots of teeny tiny (about 1/2" long) baby frogs all over the place right now and big bull frogs by the lake. The bullfrogs are hard to see, but not hard to hear! Oh, and we saw a bull snake too. (Yuck!) And a once, when Barney, Luke, and our friend Dave were boating (fishing out in the middle of the lake), a garter snake swam (raced) right up to the boat and literally jumped INTO the boat! Dave got him out immediately with some sort of a stick.

  4. hi fran and barney
    I've seen your bluprints of your dream house for years but to look at it really happening it truly is a dream house! Wow how cool! It looks like it going to be amazingly beautiful! How many square feet is it? Wow It's unbelieable! Looks like you picked the perfect lot! Your views are breathtaking! Can wait to come out and check it out! love Sheila

  5. We can't wait to see it for real, and go fishing, and use the bike trail, and play in the water. Looks beautiful! Heidi
