In the pew at Lindsey's wedding--Dad, Luke, and me. Our two beautiful candle-lighters, Francesca & Madison, are sitting next to Luke.

Friday, July 10, 2009

"Camping out" at the house!

We had been wanting to spend the night out at the lot because the weather has been soooo beautiful. A few nights nights ago, a perfect night presented itself (not only temperature-wise, but there was also a full moon!!!) . We set up camp in the great room and fell asleep watching the full moon. It was beautiful! Here are some pictures--they don't do it justice!

The next morning we woke up around 6:00 a.m. to the most refreshing sky and air, AND a hot air balloon rising over the other side of the lake!!! I couldn't believe my eyes. You can see it in the pictures below.


  1. What a neat idea-camping out in the great room! How did you rig up the hot air balloon? Or is that your new summer transportation?


  2. I knew you were a romantic kind of guy, Barney....but how did you get the beautiful weather, full moon, hot air balloon and a nest of baby robins???? You are just too much!


  3. Too funny Corina! Truth be told, I kinda had to drag him out there! :-) Fran
