In the pew at Lindsey's wedding--Dad, Luke, and me. Our two beautiful candle-lighters, Francesca & Madison, are sitting next to Luke.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Most of the windows are in and the shingling is almost done!!!

The roofing crew is hard at it!

Here you can see the completed front roofing and some of the installed windows. I love these front windows. We have a modified colonial grid in the front--just the top of the double hung windows have colonial grilles. No grills in the windows in the back of the house.

We are still waiting for the big back windows to come in. I can't wait!

"Camping out" at the house!

We had been wanting to spend the night out at the lot because the weather has been soooo beautiful. A few nights nights ago, a perfect night presented itself (not only temperature-wise, but there was also a full moon!!!) . We set up camp in the great room and fell asleep watching the full moon. It was beautiful! Here are some pictures--they don't do it justice!

The next morning we woke up around 6:00 a.m. to the most refreshing sky and air, AND a hot air balloon rising over the other side of the lake!!! I couldn't believe my eyes. You can see it in the pictures below.

Some magical views!

Soon the windows will be in so I took pictures of the views while they were still wide open. I'm going to miss this big wide open view! The view below is from our bedroom window. We love the views more every day.

This view is from the hearth room windows.

This is the view from our masterbath, right where the tub will be, looking to the west. Some of the sunsets are just amazing.

Here's a few more pretty views from other parts of the lake. I love it out at the lake so much. I have planted a garden with peas, tomatoes, radishes, melons, squash, and several herbs. I can't believe this is going to be our home! (Oh, the garden is rather lame at this time, I must admit. There's a lot of silt runoff that goes over the garden and I don't think the plants like that!) (Wish I could figure out how to get the underlining of this text turned off!)

The robin's nest and babies

We almost knocked the nest down, but decided to live in harmony with them :-)

Here's mama robin waiting for us to leave so she can feed the babies.

Here she is feeding them. They're always hungry (see below)!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Green Team! (the geothermal guys)

The geothermal green team finished putting in the wells. They installed 6 wells, 150 feet deep each. About 6 feet below the ground, four hoses (tubes?) are attached to each well and run underground and into the basement and attach to the heating and cooling system . Two of the hoses send cooled air from the ground to the house and two return the air from the house to the ground (or something like that!)--kind of like veins and arteries.

This system will be very energy efficient and should save us bunch on our heating and cooling bills!

Framing continues

Things are hopping again at the house site. The cover for the deck is going
up! In the picture above, you can see Mark Aksamit, our UBuildIt consultant, looking over the framing progress. Brian is working on the roof.

Quintessential Randy, our framer. He's a hard worker!